
We Need Ongoing Content Creation for Effective Content Marketing

Websites have abandoned the phase of fame to the phase of need. The greater part of the populace in the present age is relying upon the web to get their products and services, anyplace and whenever. The web has turned into their most loved commercial center to locate their most loved shops, online journals, and sources of trusted information. So it is an unquestionable requirement for each site owner ...

Why and How to Use Content to Create Your Personal Brand

 In this article, we will examine how powerful can personal branding be in an individual's professional journey. Also, we will talk about how powerful personal branding can be done through Content. In fact, we will learn how Content Marketing can not just help organizations but individuals as well in creating a robust brand. And then we will learn some of the ways we can deploy ...

Documented Content Strategy a Must for Content Marketing

In order to become an effective content marketer, you need to have a content strategy. Just like you need a digital marketing strategy to become a successful digital marketer. Or you need a hiring strategy to become a successful recruiter. Here are the top 4 reasons why every B2B Marketer must have a well-documented Content Strategy.

We need 3 types of Content for effective content marketing

We need 3 types of Content for effective content marketing: primary, secondary and tertiary - 1 for each stage. B2B Marketers want to bring qualified prospects to their website. Then they want to engage them and finally, they want to win the prospect. Marketers need to understand the stage of the buying cycle a prospect is at and accordingly share content.

SMART Content Creation Goals for B2B Content Marketing

Once we are convinced that we should have a documented strategy, the next step would be to set the content goal. Strategy means analyzing the current state, envisioning the future state and setting smart goals. Content must have a strategic approach.

Nine Formats of Content Creation Must for B2B Content Marketing

Before you jump into content writing, it's imperative to have an understanding of the majority of the choices available to you as a Content Marketer. The kinds of content you can create may appear to be limitless; however, it's reasonable ...

Measuring Content Marketing After Creation And Distribution

Since the ROI of content marketing is not just about the revenue it generates, you'll have to determine other indicators. In this article, we are going to help you identify some KPIs to measure your content marketing efforts.

Only Quality Content Creation can Fetch Quality Backlinks

It would be safe to say that the two most important factors considered by Google to rank web-pages are Content and Quality Links. Quality link building is an organic process. It takes its time. There is no short-cut to building links.